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This December I had the pleasure of joining Estila's Karolina Barnes for not one, but two IGTV Live interviews. The first was a quick fire intro sharing our new silk accessories. The second, being much more of a deep dive into the world of PIPÉT.

I was able to save the recordings and pleased to share them with you here, so you can watch these even if you're not on Instagram. 


'Behind the Brand'  - IGTV Live interview with Estila Magazine

I'm new to the world of live interviews, but it was a nice opportunity to think on your feet and have a conversation with someone who is has also been in the industry for a while and can share their viewpoint.

Karolina and I spoke about some really important topics and I'm grateful to get into the nitty gritty of being a more sustainable business, the benefits of custom design and how we can all create with more purpose. It's all in the talk, so get comfy and have a watch.  

It was a fantastic experience, and surprising how much you can cover in under an hour. I've edited it down to just 30 minutes so it's a bit more manageable. You can watch the shorter edit here, above.

Pipet Design Thames Fabrics

INTERIOR DESIGNERS - I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I've spent a lot of time this summer reworking our internal processes and implementing new ways of working which offer opportunities for change within the design industry. I invite you to take a look at our digital & downloadable catalogues and also full specs that are available within our Trade Area.

  • How are you managing sourcing during this period of remote working? 
  • Are you loving the idea of easy downloadable material all in one place and that can be slotted into your design packs no fuss? 
  • Could digital resources be the way forward and useful for your initial sourcing needs?

Drop me an email. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this. 

Watch our 1st IGTV Live: 'Gifts of Joy!' here.

See more on Instagram:


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